Children don’t come with an instruction manual, and the reason for this is that not all children are the same. If anyone tries to sell you a notion that there’s one way to parent, there isn’t. Good parenting involves being able to react and respond in a flexible way to the issue that your child is displaying. In light of this complexity, the ‘Asking for a parent’ podcast will describe the most common and complex child rearing challenges and provide better ways for listeners to understand a child's behaviour. One of the best predictors of child behaviour is a parent’s understanding of the meaning behind the behaviour. Therefore the discussions inform parents of why children do what they do, and how best to respond to it. Lots of parenting resources out there heap pressure on parents rather than promote reasonable expectations and understanding. This podcast is conversational, and will not be filled with jargon or unreasonable expectations. The solutions are be ‘real world’ and take into account of parental pressures of time and energy. Topics under discussion will include the severe challenges to the normative developmental issues. Ranging from a teenager who is developing eating disorder behaviours to a 5 year old who is nervous about going to birthday parties. All challenges are relative and the podcast will aim to be as comprehensive as possible. Listeners can send in their own questions or worries about their child or indeed about their own mental health concerns and these will be addressed where possible. About the author / presenter Dr Colman Noctor is a Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist and has working with families with mental health difficulties for 25 years and has a wealth of international experience. Colman does not describe himself as a ‘parenting expert’ as he believes the concept doesn’t exist. Colman’s advice and suggestions are based on his knowledge of the emotional, psychological and behaviour of children and the learnings he has achieved from working with families for the last 25 years. Graphics by Matchstick Media Ltd https://www.facebook.com/mstickmedia/

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Mica Families Episode
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
After being contacted by a member of the Mica Family Group I reached out to offer any help I could. These families have been living through a decade of uncertainty as their homes are crumbling and facing demolition due to defective blocks.
I was struck by the stories of the children who have been affected by the Mica crisis. The stories of children too anxious to sleep at night for fear of their house caving in was heart wrenching.
So I’m this episode I chat with parents, teachers and homeowners from the affected areas and try to offer any advice I could to help the children in these communities.
email : askingforaparent@gmail.com
twitter : @Asking4aParent
instagram : asking_for_a_parent

Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Bonus Episode on Children‘s Sport
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021

Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Listeners Questions with Shane Smith
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
email : askingforaparent@gmail.com
twitter : @Asking4aParent
instagram : asking_for_a_parent

Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Listeners Questions with Jen Hogan
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021

Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Listeners Questions with Allison Kacperski.
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
In this weeks episode I chat with Allison about how things have been for her over the last number months.
We also answer some really interesting questions where we look at managing disordered eating behaviour in teenagers, supporting a young person who is experiencing suicidal ideation and how to manage when a small child is mimicking the negative actions of others.
We also discuss in detail how to help someone cope with Anxiety and provide practical tips on this topic. We also discuss the seriousness of agressive and violent bullying and how best to support a young person return to school in September following a difficult end to last term.

Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Minister For Children Roderic OGorman
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
In this episode we talk to Minister Roderic OGorman about his role as Minister for Children, Inclusivity, Diversity and Youth.
He discusses what it was like growing up in Mullhudart and his journey into politics.
He discusses the challenges of Ministerial duty in a Pandemic and discusses how the last 14 months have impacted Irish children.
He discusses the Summer of Play Initiative and his goals for the remainder of his term in office.
Keywords: young peoples, Minister for Children, lockdowns, pandemic and summer of play
email : askingforaparent@gmail.com
twitter : @Asking4aParent
instagram : asking_for_a_parent

Wednesday May 26, 2021
Listeners Questions with Prof Jim Lucey
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
In this week's episode we speak to Prof Jim Lucey about how things have been for him over the last number months. Jim is a Prof of Psychiatry in TCD, Adult Psychiatrist and the author of the new book 'A Whole New Plan for Living'. He is also a parent of six and he fills us in on how challenging it has been with working from home over the last number of months and how he has coped.
We also answer some really interesting questions where we look at managing aggressive behaviour in teenagers, supporting a child who is displaying early signs of an eating disorder, we discuss the complexity of ASD Diagnoses and how to support a teenager with a stammer.

Wednesday May 19, 2021
Young People’s Voices 18-25
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
In this 3rd of three episodes we interview young adults about their experiences of the last 12 months and what it has been like for them.
The most effective way to improve your parenting approach is to better understand the world your young persons eyes.
These three episodes are edits from a series of interviews with young people who honestly and insightfully share their experiences of living in a pandemic, first year in college, social isolation, dating and much much more.
The young people also provide a report card on how the adults in their lives have done over the last year, identifying what worked well, and not so well.
They provide insights into what they miss the most, what they’re looking forward to post Covid and how it has impacted on them.
This first episode has many voices of young adults aged 20-25
So don’t miss this one it’s a cracker!
Keywords: young peoples voices, young adult perspectives, lockdowns, pandemic and dating
email : askingforaparent@gmail.com
twitter : @Asking4aParent
instagram : asking_for_a_parent

Wednesday May 12, 2021
Listeners Questions with Mary O'Kane
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Wednesday May 12, 2021
In this weeks episode we speak to Dr Mary O Kane about how things have been for her over the last number months. Mary is a lecturer in Early Childhood studies and author of the new parenting book 'Perfectly Imperfect'. She is also a parent of three and she fills us in on how challenging it has been with the school closures, college from home and job losses over the last number of months and how she has coped.
We also answer some really interesting questions where we look at managing obsessional behaviour in children, supporting a child who wants to become more independent and how to manage communicating the importance of the public health restrictions to a teenager who wants to mix with their friends.
We also discuss in detail how to help someone cope with Panic Attacks and provide practical tips on this topic.

Wednesday May 05, 2021
Second Young Person's Voices
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Wednesday May 05, 2021
In this second of three episodes we interview young people about their experiences of the last 12 months and what it has been like for them.
The most effective way to improve your parenting approach is to better understand the world your child lives in, through their eyes.
These three episodes are a edits from a series of interviews with young people who honestly and insightfully share their experiences of living in a pandemic, school closures, social isolation and much much more.
The children also provide a report card on how the adults in their lives have done over the last year, identifying what worked well, and not so well.
They provide insights into what they miss the most, what they’re looking forward to post Covid and how it has impacted on them.
This second episode has many voices of secondary school young people who describe the challenges of leaving cert, school closures and social isolation.
email : askingforaparent@gmail.com
twitter : @Asking4aParent
instagram : asking_for_a_parent